Water in which the pH is below 7 is acidic. Acidic water accelerates corrosion in pipe work, causes staining of baths, sinks and other appliances and can leave a distinctive ‘metallic’ taste to the water.
Juraperle is a granular media made up of 99.4% calcium carbonate. It has a superior performance to ordinary limestone due to its micro-crystalline structure. It dissolves very slowly, is free from soluble constituents and has a low silica content.
Uses: The pH correction of potable waters and the remineralisation of soft and desalinated waters
Juraperle is a granular calcium carbonate filtration medium with particle size 1 to 2mm. During its use it gradually dissolves and will therefore require periodic replacement.
Applications: For the pH correction of potable waters and the remineralisation of soft and de-salinated
pH adjustment | Removal of Iron and Manganese | CO2 removal |
purity of over 98% Calcium Carbonate
Characteristics: Description: Granular media | |